Monday, March 8, 2010


In a recent article about one of my favorite actresses she says "I want to continue to celebrate where I am and not be apologetic." this short and pretty simple statement really struck me. You see I am 31 years old and my life has taken me on many detours and finally led me to a place I never expected to be. I think most people have that internal timeline with expectations for each milestone. I vivdly remember talking with a dear friend of mine when he was 30 and she was lamenting her single life and I can remember thinking to myself how tragic it really was for her and having to thought that I would find myself in her shoes. During that same time I had friends who were out of work for a long time and I pitied them and honestly thought that they were at that place due to poor work ethic or ability, yet I have been taking odd jobs outside my area of expertise for almost 7 months. Even typing that kind of takes my breath away. But this isn't a blog expresses the woes of life. It is sharing something I have learned, and continue to learn. My life is my life. It is what it is and so I have to embrace it, not apologize for it or regret it. Not internally or externally. My path may be different than I thought it would be but there are a ton of things that I thought were true that time has shown to be the opposite.

I no longer will dread saying my age or be ashamed of where my path has lead me career wise or personally. I'm going to give myself a break and EMBRACE where I am and what has brought me to this point, after all this is the only life I have and I won't be able to go anywhere by constantly looking behind me.

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Location:Chicago, IL