So I have taken a hiatus, if you will, from blogging. I don't really know why to be honest. I think that it is quite funny looking back now. Why is it that when you have the most to say you say the least. I find that to be a very true for me.
The end of 2008 was an incredibly busy time involving quite a few road trips. A trip to Nashville for my 30th birthday, Little Rock, AR for some friends wedding which was really more of a family reunion then just a wedding. Then a trip back to Nashville for Christmas and New Years. In the middle there my family came to Dallas for Thanksgiving which was more eventful then could possibly be imagined.
This time was also one of the most difficult as I am continuing to adjust to life in Dallas and more then the change in city I am trying to learn to live in an area without the community of family, friends and support that I have been so fortunate to have had around me for so long. **Disclaimer - I came to this city into the arms of the most amazing adoptive parents and my respect for them has grown every month that I have been here. In addition since almost my first day at work I have gained the friendship of a wonderful girl who has definitely got out of her way to make me feel welcome.
All this to say, I don't know why I stopped but I am going to get back to it.