Thursday, February 18, 2010

Beautiful Mess

Today was a day that I thought would be pure magic. I woke up and from beginning to end it was a seeming disappointment. Starting with a hair dryer that broke just about 10 minutes before I needed it, to a night spent chasing a stray dog in this frozen tundra. Why do things always seem to turn out this way? Do I believe in things that just aren't true? Is my sense of reality just a hair off? Have I seen too movies or read too many books that my expectations of life have become skewed? Whatever it is I find myself here more often than I would like.

In the midst of the unending mishaps there were moments of beauty in everything. Hope on the faces of those who have been hopeless, restored by the healing power of a good night sleep and the private words of encouragement between two friends. Wonder in watching the prayers of thousands of people accomplishing the simple task of taking communion, and endless inspiration by the questions of the unbelieving.

Life's not pretty, not my life and not those around me, but that's not how God always works. Its not always green pastures and lives that seemingly go perfectly according to schedule. Sometimes we are the children of Israel wading through the years of slavery or rebuilding friendships through grief and loss. Never removed from the power and love of our God, but learning what faith really is. Figuring out what its like to commit your life to a cause when it hurts; when it's not easy. Life is a mess, Faith is not always beautiful. Does that make it any less grand? Any less worthy of a life of devotion? It's not what we would have wished for, but that's our job, to try to find the beauty in all of the mess.

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