Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Book of Questions

One of the best books to just have at your disposal, in case you need it, is the Book of Questions. The other night I was sorting through things and deciding which items should be kept and which should be donated to charity. As fate or a cruel trick of nature I came across the Book of Questions which basically put me a good hour behind my schedule on the sorting. So from time to time I am going to throw a question out there and see if I get a response. So here goes:

Question #41 "Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire; after saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? "
Now a time for you to share
I think that I would try to grab my big suitcase which would have all of my pictures and memories inside. Now there are probably 10-15 items that I really love and are family heirlooms that I love and would treasure having around a little more consistently, so do I go ahead and box them up so that if the random act where to happen I would be ready? But then you aren't really enjoying them.

Your Thoughts?
What do you think? On that final dash to save one item, what would you grab and why?


Unknown said...

Does a collection count as 1 thing? Because i have a collection of Bibles from my grandparents, parents and my bible that would probably be what i run back in for. There are so many things that would be nice to have and hopefully that fire proof lock box with all that important documentation lives up to its name... but it's hard to pick just one.

The question makes me want to make sure that every photo i own is on some sort of website/server so i could reprint at any time.

fireconversations said...

Well, I'd have to say the computer.

Megan said...

My MacBook Pro. I love that thing. I take it with me everywhere. In fact, I'm having a hard time convincing myself that I would save animals and people first. Seriously. It's some sort of sickness.

Unknown said...

Photo album - everything else has insurance!