Monday, September 29, 2008

Sports Teams have been Chosen!!!!

Okay, the decisions have been made after some very deep soul searching. Some are based on family ties to the teams and some are based on connections to the cities. Then I did go ahead and choose one Texas team, just for good measure. Thanks to all of you for your contributions and suggestions. If you have any helpful information about the teams or players feel free to continue to send it on.

Baseball: California Angels
College Football: Vanderbilt
College Basketball: Duke
Pro Hockey: Nashville Predators
Pro Football: Dallas Cowboys

1 comment:

Jeremy Carlson said...

I dig the teams you have chosen BUT you might want to know that they are called the "Los Angeles Angels of Anahiem" now and not the CA Angels. I know we're splitting hairs but if they're really your team you should but updated. Love ya sis...